So today we have thusday the 28 of february. Finally we managed to take us through jan-feb the two darkest mounths in Scandinavia. That means that the wheather is getting better, the sun is up for longer and people start to do things and think about the summer. We who live here together in the house are all starting with some new projects. Making clothes so we can sell them in the summers festival in Europe, I am also making jellewery and bellydancing hippbands! Once a week we also do some poi training and yesterday we started with climbing (!), it was at least 7 years ago since I´ve climbed and now I wanna start doing it more often. My muscles are all soure today, and still I wanna make some more clothes. Very soon I will show it here on the blogg, all my new creations.
We are also thinking about bying land in Portugal and this is our biggest project. Since we all don´t want to live a normal mainstream life with a 9-5 work and borrwed money for a house and just spending time working for someone else. Most of us wanna have our own community, where we work for that community to grow and do good things for the sociaty.Ecofriendly, healthy, NVC, Independent community.
Well it´s my biggest dream at the moment. And not impossible. I´m also having this thought about starting my business again. I mean why not. I might actually help women. I have to at least try to make it. :)
Lots of love to you all! Hope you all have some springinspiration!
Lots of love to you all! Hope you all have some springinspiration!