Thank you life! I am blessed with a life of adventure. Nothing stays the same. Everything is moving.
I resist until I have to let go and then follow the change. I Hold on to rutine until I can no longer have that experience. I have to move forward. So many thing I want to experience, so many things I would like to let go of and change into something else.
I want to identify with higher feelings and bigger pictures. Having trust in my intiution and dreams.
Changing everyday to something else. Changing my life, my mind my body.
Moving forward in the world.
I am reprogramming my thought about myself and this world. It is fun!
I resist until I have to let go and then follow the change. I Hold on to rutine until I can no longer have that experience. I have to move forward. So many thing I want to experience, so many things I would like to let go of and change into something else.
I want to identify with higher feelings and bigger pictures. Having trust in my intiution and dreams.
Changing everyday to something else. Changing my life, my mind my body.
Moving forward in the world.
I am reprogramming my thought about myself and this world. It is fun!