Lill Buddah

Home sweet Home
I finally sit here in the house again in Oslo. The trip to the United States was in many ways not at all like I had imagined. I really wonder why so much could go wrong. Was not it meant for me to go? Had I fallen out of balance?

I had dreams of staying and going down to South America and travel around there until 2014. But after everything that happened, I am totally exhausted. I will start over again, to get back to work here in Oslo and then go out on the trip again when I am in balance with the universe.
Anyway I have taken myself home and maybe I'll  go up to my hometown tomorrow and get a really white Christmas. What more could I ask for really?

I need to sleep and eat good food and do nothing until I feel completely recovered. Then I will be building myself up again, with yoga and meditation and vegetarian food. Although these 3 months were tough, I can say that me and Sebastian come closer to each other. He has been with me every day and supported me and taken care of me when I was sad or sick. Since I´ve been really low I done know what I would do without him.