Lill Buddah

Leaving everything behind-again.
God Morning!

I must be crazy. Not long ago I had a room in Oslo and a work at H&M´s warhouse. Now I find myself in a motelroom in California. I just decided to quite work and move here to work instead. Oslo is still one of my favorite places and I will be back, I just needed a change and this idea to go to California just started a few weeks ago and all of a sudden I´m here, happy and excited! The plan is to stay here until december and then move down to mexico and on to peru. I really wanna stay whit the Maya indians before 21:th december, not because the world is going under, that´s not what they belive, they belive in a change in humans conciouness, so offcourse I look forward to see and understand there culture. 
Anyway so far the yourney have been nice, we started by renting a car in San fransisco with me as a driver (!),   driving over the golden gate bridge and up through the country, passing the redwood-forest witch was the most amazing road I ever been driving. We seen some amazing forests and spectacular views and I love the people here they all seem to fit in to an american movie, very funny charachters!

Today we are packing down over thing and moving out from the motel to most likely start working, I´m really looking forward to it, it will be fun!

#1 - Victoria

Åh alltså!! Jag gillar din blogg! Dina inlägg är så fulla av liv och kärlek och nu vill jag bara packa en resväska och åka nånstans jag med!