Hello, my dear friends!
Sorry for a long break from blogging. I don´t have a computer since a few weeks and don´t want to borrow just to write a blog text.
Sorry for a long break from blogging. I don´t have a computer since a few weeks and don´t want to borrow just to write a blog text.
In one way it´s nice to be without a computer, because if I don´t put on the computer directly after work I don´t get stuck and spend my day laying in bed, and also in the evenings when I usually watch some movie or show, I read books instead.
So many thing have happend since my last letter. BOOM for example, the greatest, coolest festival I ever been to. It was in Portugal, in the middle of the forest, with a really nice lake and beautiful people and atmosphere! I could live there, and actually me and my friend Kicki started to look at some prices for buying land there. We want to build up a community and take care of the enviroment and grow ower own food and live in cool earthen houses. It´s not just a spacedream, it´s something we really want for ourselves in the future and it´s so nice that we share the same idea.
I´ve also had a birthday party for my closest friends, with cake and candles and some good old songs.
Alot of my time lately I spend with a guy that I like, and we start to melt into some dreamy world together. When you are two, things are much funnier, and I enjoy experience my life with someone. It´s not so many people that can understand me and I want to invite to my world, so it´s just nice.
I´m enyoing Oslo, eventhough the summer was only rain and rain all the time. But I´m still in love with the city and the feeling it gives me. OSLOVE!
I´m also thinking about the future, and what I wanna do in a few mounths. I know I need the forest, I need to be free, I need to help other people and I need to grow spiritually. That would make me happy. And I start to plan where I wanna go, and what I whant to experience. Give me ideas if you have for spiritually growing!
Love and Light to you!