Lill Buddah

! am awake
I can´t sleep. This day have just been amazing. I realized some cool stuff about myself and my company. And I took the first step today towards starting my business again. I am lying here imagine all kind of scenarios that could happen to my idé. It is scary and fun at the same time just to think about it. So I am writing some ideas down on a paper so I can try to sleep again, but them suddenly I looked up at the computer screen and I wread this:
"March 8 is 3 Caban/No'j. Another challenging Caban day, made all the more so by the energy of Ox, which represents risk, uncertainty, doubt and obstruction. Steer clear of trying to complete personal projects, making plans or starting anything new, whether a relationship, buying a house, or planning social engagements. 

The best use of today may be to flex your mental muscle and practice letting go of negative thinking and negative thoughts—let them come, recognize them, but deny them power. And then let them go."
From the Mayan Calender
Ps. I have this as an inspiration for my selfportrait, this and a bit of my fear mix togeher would be a cool picture. But not a night project!
Time for bed, God Night! :)