Lill Buddah

A new day, a new beginning.
Today I wake up as a new person. With new possibilities. I´ve been treated in the worst kind of a way a women can be treated by her boyfriend. I feel confused like if I don´t know what happen to me and what I am supposted to do. 
I feel disgusted, cause every thought I have is focust on what happend. And why it happend. The sadness and the anger lies like a thick layer over me making it impossible for me to see or behave normal. I hope from the bottom of my heart that he is regretful, that he understands what he have done and that this wound he created isn´t going away in a moment. It will be months or years before I can forgive him. He has to prove himself worthy and trustful before I ever touch or speak to him again.
I am the kindest most beautiful and trustful girl he will ever met or be with. He have not realized what he have lost because of his bad behavior. He doesn´t understand my pain and my feelings. And if he doesnt fight for me his life will be sad. Then he will realize that he gave everything up because of his own pleasure. 
I am strong. And I am perfect. I will transform into the higehst version of who I am, becoming the greates version of Nadja. 
#1 - karin

Tråkigt att höra Nadja!:(Stor kram till dig!!
Ps du är världens vackraste snällaste och finaste tjej och man är en idiot som inte förtjänar dig om man inte kan se det.