Lill Buddah

My last name is Björk. Here is the meaning of the tree:

Celtic Meaning of the Birch Tree

 Listen closely and you will detect whispers of transformation and growth in the midst of the birch groves within your soul.

The birch is highly adaptive and able to sustain harsh conditions with casual indifference. Proof of this adaptability is seen in its easy and eager ability to repopulate areas damaged by forest fires or clearings. Bright and beautiful, the birch is a pioneercourageously taking root and starting anew to revive the landscape where no other would before.

This is a powerful metaphor for our lives. The birch asks us to philosophically go where no other will go (voluntarily or otherwise). The birch asks us to take root in new soils and light our lives with the majesty of our very presence. The birch sings to us: "Shine, take hold, express your creative expanse, light the way so that others may follow."

Paradoxically, while the birch is a brilliant symbol of renewal, it is also symbolic of stability and structure. The druids also held the birch as the keepers of long-honored traditions.

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The Faces of WomanSpirit
A Celtic Oracle of Avalon

Birch moon teaches of potentials that stretch before you. She reflects the possibilities as the spectrum of color glistens on her white glittery face. Like a mother prepared to give birth, her belly rises and she presents you with a teaching. 
"This moon time will be like kneading bread and letting it rise before you cook it." Birch says to you. 
Now, with the essence of Birch, you come into the rhythm of life, the empowerment of dreams, and the ability to vision your possibilities. 
Birch's essence is to create, bring together dreams and prepare for the new patterns of living. Understand Her. Use the lessons of the moon mothers you have already embraced... look at the bigger picture, listen and unfold your plans through creative visualization.


Birch Fairy

The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey


This fairy is known as "the lady of the woods" for her graceful presence. Like many fairies, the birch fairy can open the portals to the subtle realms. The birch is associated with cleansing and freshness, and the goddess Arianrhod is invoked using birch, to attract fertility and aid creativity.


Being close to the birch fairy is clearing to the mind. She will help you let go of stress and have faith in yourself, in the knowledge that you will find a way to cope. Birch is a potent female energy that brings faith and gladness. However, the birch fairy may become angry if trees near her are damaged - she holds something of the repressed energy of the feminine principle, which has been denigrated for many centuries, and she can be fierce.


If you need a clear head for a new venture, or need to leave behind you anything that is negative or contaminating, birch fairy is a great support. She will send cool, cleansing breezes that revitalize. More than any other fairy, she appreciates a little care for the Wildwood being given in return.

By The goddess tree