Lill Buddah

What we know and don´t know



Lots of reflections...
I think I don´t know anything. All those things I learned in school, things I´ve studied, and documentaries I´ve seen… All the stories I have been told.. 
Are they true? Everything can be made up by someone. Everything can be a theory or a lie. 
I didn´t questioned it before. I bought it all. 

Just because someone told me about history in this planet, I thought it was true. Just because I´ve seen terror in media, I believed it, I got scared. 
I´ve listen to people I look up to and believe everything. I realize most people do this. We all have a belief, a way of seeing the world, basted on things we learned. Things we where taught. We want our friends to agree with us, to see what wee are seeing, to know what we know. So we are desperate to spread OUR truth.

But before we do that, make sure your truth is coming from you. Your heart will tell you. 

So I have asked myself the last days; What is my truth, what have i seen with my own eyes, what have I observed around me. 
I am looking at what I call facts. And deleting lots of this information. Starting over again. Time to share. Time to speak Smiley smile